What would happen if you get injured during martial law? What is martial law and how does it pertain to our COVID-19 pandemic? What would happen if ... More
Distracted Driving: A Focus on Texting While Driving
Anything extra that you do inside your vehicle that diverts you away from the primary action of driving can be considered a distraction. According to ... More
What Constitutes Social Media Defamation?
Social media has become an essential part of the way we communicate in the modern world. From Facebook sharing to Twitter to Instagram, everyone has ... More
5 Tips For Handling Your Slip and Fall Accident
If you slip and fall, whether you’re hurt or not, usually your first thought is of embarrassment and the hope that no one saw it. Maybe if you get up ... More
What is the Standard Attorney Contingency Fee?
The standard contingency fee for an attorney on the surface runs about 33 percent, meaning one-third of any money won in a civil case goes to the law ... More
Who Can File a Wrongful Death Suit in Florida?
When a loved one is killed in an accident caused by someone else’s negligence, there are only certain individuals that are allowed to bring forward a ... More