The exact definition of reasonable care varies depending on the circumstances surrounding a particular accident. However, reasonable care is generally described as:
The degree of caution and concern an ordinarily prudent person would use in similar circumstances.
This means that each person has a duty to exercise reasonable care in each situation. In other words, each person should act in a way that prevents harm and does no harm to other people.
For example, a driver has a duty of reasonable care to follow all rules of the road, adjust driving based on weather and other conditions like construction and slowing down for traffic or congestion. Likewise, a doctor must abide by standards of reasonable care when treating a patient.
Failing to exercise reasonable care can have consequences, including being named negligent if your lack of reasonable care contributes to a personal injury accident.
Contact an attorney near you to learn more about reasonable care and the ins and outs of negligence in your specific personal injury case.